Worldly Life

Worldly Life – الحياة الدنيا

Ibn al-Jawzi said something profound:

إنما تعجب الدنيا من لا فهم له،
كما أن أضغاث الأحلام تسر النائم،
لعب الخيال يحسبها الطفل حقيقة،
فأما العاقل فلا يغتر

“This world only amazes someone who has no understanding, just like a dream amazes a sleeping person, or imaginary games which the child perceives as reality. As for the intelligent people, they are not deceived by it.”

[“Kitab al-Lataaif”, 27-28].


Dreams look & feel REAL, but when we wake up – we realise it was all an illusion.

Similarly, this worldly life looks REAL – when we die, we realise it was all an illusion.

Kids play with toys, but when they grow up, they realise they were just made of mud.

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