Extreme Jealousy

Protective jealousy in men … غيرة الرجل

It is said that the bride of a Bedouin in Jahiliyah was brought to him on a horse.
He took his bride, but killed the horse!
People were confused, so they asked him why?
He said: “I did not want any man to sit on this horse, while its saddle is still warm (with his wife’s body heat)…

يحكى أن أعرابياً في الجاهلية زُفّت إليه عروسه على فرس، فقام فقتل تلك الفرس التي ركبت عليها العروس،
فتعجب الجميع من حوله وسألوه عن سرِّ عمله فقال لهم: خشيت أن يركب السائق مكان جلوس زوجتي ولا يزال مكانها دافئاً!

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