Anti-Women Mentality

There is exaggerated distrust about females among some males in certain societies.

They used to say:
‎عقل النساء بين أفخاذهن
‘The intellect of women is between their thighs.’

And they say:
‎شهوة المرأة فوق شهوة الرجل بتسعة أجزاء
‘The lust of a woman is nine times more than a man.’

So, due to these type of irrational fears and beliefs, they don’t trust women and become overprotective.

They reduce women to mere objects of lust, and limit their purpose to just breeding machines. They interpret a woman’s every move in a sexual way.

What some societies do to control these irrational fears and mistrust of women, is to circumcise them, to reduce their desires. So the woman will just lay there during the act, not feel anything – while the man fulfils his needs.

Others impose total segregation… this is also unnatural.

What happens with this is, two things:

– The men start developing feelings for men, because they’ve never seen a woman. The women are locked away, and they start desiring what is available. One example is ‘Bacha-Bazi’ in some parts of Afghanistan.

– The men get even more curious about women, because the more you forbid something, the more one’s curiosity for it grows.

The solution is: let go of irrational fears and act normal.

In the time of the Prophet, the women used to go out to visit family, to the markets, to the mosques and so on – obviously observing the Hijab and Shar’ii guidelines.

Islam prohibits being alone with the opposite gender.

Stick to the Shariah – but don’t go further.

If it was up to some men, they would segregate Tawaf around the Ka’bah and make donkeys wear underwear.

Get a grip … keep things natural and within the guidelines of Shariah – everything will be fine.

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