Fornication Is A Loan

A poet says:

إن الزنا دَينٌ فإنْ أقرضتَهُ * كان الوفا من أهل بيتك فاعلمِ
“Fornication is loan – if you take it from someone,
then remember it will be repaid by your family.”

What people do in life, has a ‘ripple effect’, and its implications are far reaching – extending to others.

It has been reported:

‏قال رجل لامرأة : أريد أن أذوقك فأنظر أنت أطيب أم امرأتي ؟
‏فقالت : سل زوجي فإنه ذاقني وذاقها
A man said to a woman: “I want to taste you, to see if you taste better or my wife?”
The woman said: “Ask my husband. He has tasted me and your wife.”

Note: It does not mean family members are punished for the sins of someone else, but it means: if someone creates such a bad environment and normalises an evil within his family – his family members will find that normal and imitate him in that. If a man normalises fornication, what he does to other women – his own wife and daughters will find that acceptable and do the same with other men.

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