Intellect VS Lust
Ibn Taymiyah quoted a nice statement:
خُلقَ للملائكة عقولٌ بلا شهوة , وخُلق للبهائم شهوة بلا عقل , وخُلق للإنسان عقل وشهوة، فمَن غلب عقلُه شهوتَه: فهو خير من الملائكة , ومَن غلبت شهوتُه عقلَه: فالبهائم خير منه
‘Angels were created with intellect without lust. Animals were created with lust without intellect.
Humans were created with both lust and intellect.
So if someone’s intellect overpowers his lust, then he is better than Angels.
And if someone’s lust overpower his intellect, then animals are better than him.’
[‘Majmu al-Fatawa’, 15/428].
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