Shameful Behaviour At Marketplaces
Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani said:
والجلوس في الأسواق لرؤية من يمرُّ
من النِّساء من خوارم المروءة
“[males] sitting at the [entrances of] marketplaces to catch a glimpse of the female [shoppers] is shameless behaviour.”
[“Fath al-Bari”, 11/40].
This was in their times, but now there are also “virtual” meeting places online – like on social media. It is like a public space where both genders will inevitably interact. Very strict etiquettes should be adhered to by everyone, otherwise things can easily spiral out of control.
These “virtual streets” are hunting grounds for immoral men: perverts, pedophiles, rapists, blackmailers, etc.
It’s also used by immoral women to lure men.
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