What Goes Around, Comes Around

What goes around, comes around – كما تدين تدان

As you do to others, so shall be done to you.

It has been narrated:

أن رجلاً كان يضرب أباه في موضع , فقيل له : ما هذا ؟
فقال الأب أتركوه , فإني كنت أضرب أبي في هذا الموضع فابتليت بابني يضربني في نفس هذا الموضع

A son was seen beating up his father in a certain area.

It was said to him: “How can you do that?!”

His father said: “Leave him to it – I used to beat my father in this exact same spot, so now I have been inflicted with the same thing happening to me.”

[“Tanbih al-Ghafilin”, 95].

End quote.

This picture shows a good son taking care of his parents.

It reminded me of a story:

A man wanted to get rid of his elderly father – who was a burden on the family, due to his old age.

When his father went to sleep, the man put him in a basket.

As the man was going out to throw his father in the ditch, his own small son followed him without him knowing.

When he threw his father in the ditch with the basket, his son said to his dad: “Don’t forget the basket dad”.

His dad being surprised that his son had followed him, asked: “Why do you need the basket?”

His son said: “When you grow old – how will I carry you here?”

Moral of the story: how you treat your parents, that’s how your children will treat you.

They learn from you and take you as their example.

It has been said:

بروا آباءكم، تبركم أبناؤكم

“Be good to your fathers,
and your children will be good to you.”

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