Crooked Walls, Straight Men
‘Why is this wall crooked?’
انوشیروان ساسانی به خاطر پیرزنی که حاضر نشد خانهاش را بفروشد دیوار کاخ کسری را کج بنا کرد یکی از بزرگان از او پرسید این کجی از بهر چیست؟!
انوشیروان گفت: این کجی از راستی ماست!
A Persian king of the Sassanid Empire built the wall of the Kisra Palace around a house, which belonged to an old woman who refused to sell her house to accommodate for the building of the new palace.
One of the elders asked: “What is this wall crooked?”
The king replied: “This is crooked because we are straight.”
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