Judging By Actions, Not Words
On a cold and windy day, a hunter caught some birds.
He started slaughtering them one by one, while the other birds were watching.
Due to the cold and wind, his eyes started to shed tears.
One of the gullible birds said:
انظر إلى الصياد المسكين، كيف يبدو حزيناً على ذبحنا، إنه يبكي شفقة علينا ورحمة بنا
“Look at this poor hunter, he feels so bad for doing this to us. He’s crying out of mercy and compassion for us.”
An intelligent bird said:
لا تنظر إلى دموع عينيه، ولكن انظر إلى فعل يديه
“Don’t look at the tears in his eyes, look at what his hands are doing.”
Moral of the story: judge people by their actions.
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