The Buried Treasure
The Buried Treasure & Imam Abu Hanifah – الإمام أبو حنيفة
A man tried to hide his wealth so he buried it somewhere, but he forgot the exact location.
He came to Imam Abu Hanifah, who told him:
“This is not a matter of Fiqh, but go and pray during the night. You will remember where you buried it, God willing.”
The man went away and started praying.
As he was half-way through his prayer, he remembered where he hid his wealth!!
He came back to Abu Hanifah and told him the good news.
Abu Hanifah said: “I knew that the devil would not let you pray, and would distract you by making you remember [your wealth].”
وبلغنا أن رجلاً جاء إلى أبي حنيفة فشكا له أنه دفن مالاً في موضع ولا يذكر الموضع
فقال أبو حنيفة ليس هذا فقهاً فاحتال لك فيه ولكن اذهب فصل الليلة إلى الغداة فإنك ستذكره إن شاء الله تعالى
ففعل الرجل ذلك فلم يمض إلا أقل من ربع الليل حتى ذكر الموضع
فجاء إلى أبي حنيفة فأخبره
فقال قد علمت أن الشيطان لا يدعك تصلي حتى تذكر
[Ibn al-Jawzi in ‘Al-Adhkiyaa”, 1/35].
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