Aashiq Rasool
According to many scholars, it is inappropriate to use names like ‘عاشق رسول’ [‘aashiqe-rasool] or ‘عاشق الله’ [‘aashiq-allah], because the word ‘ishq’ [عشق] has sexual connotations in the Arabic language.
1- Imam Ibn al-Jawzi said:
فإن العشق عند أهلِ اللغة لا يكونُ إلا لما ينكحُ
“The word ‘ishq, according to Arabic linguists, is only used in a sexual context.”
[“Tilbis Iblis”, 1/153].
2- Ibn Abi Izz, the explainer of Aqidah Tahawiyah says the word ‘ishq’ is linked with [shahwah]:
وقالَ ابنُ أبي العزِ شارحُ الطحاوية (1/166) عند ذكرهِ لمراتبِ المحبةِ : ” السابعةُ : العشق : وهو الحبُّ المُفرطُ الذي يُخافُ على صاحبهِ منه ، ولكن لا يُوصفُ به الربُّ تعالى ، ولا العبدُ في محبةِ ربهِ ، وإن قد أطلقهُ بعضهم . واختُلِفَ في سببِ المنعِ ، فقيل : عدمُ التوقيفِ ، وقيل غيرُ ذلك ، ولعل امتناعَ إطلاقهِ أن العشقَ محبةٌ مع شهوةٍ ” .ا.هـ.
“The word ‘ishq is defined as excessive love that may incur harm on the person. It cannot be used to describe the love of Allaah for His slaves or their love for Him. It should be noted that some did use it. Scholars held different opinions regarding the reason for that prohibition; some argued that it is because the word ‘ishq is not used in this sense in the Quran and Sunnah and others mentioned other reasons as well. Perhaps the reason for it is that the word ‘ishq has specific connotations of lust.”
Ibn al-Qayyim and Ibn Taymiyah also said this.
Nobody is a believer until they love [حب] Allah and His Messenger more than anything, but the word ‘ishq’ [عشق] should be avoided. That’s between a husband and wife.
That’s why we never use ‘ishq’ to describe the love between a brother and sister, or father and daughter.
The word ‘hub’ [حب] should be used to express our love for Allah and His Messenger.
It appears that not all scholars linked ‘ishq’ with lust, for example Imam Al-Ghazali says about ‘ishq’:
“اعلم أن من عرف الله أحبه لا محالة، ومن تأكدت معرفته تأكدت محبته بقدر تأكد معرفته، والمحبة إذا تأكدت سميت عشقًا، فلا معنى للعشق إلا محبة مؤكدة مفرطة، ولذلك قالت العرب: إن محمدًا قد عشق ربه؛ لما رأوه يتخلى للعبادة في جبل حراء” انتهى
من “إحياء علوم الدين” (2/ 280)
I also know that many people in ‘Ajjam [non-Arab] lands use these terms without sexual intent – but linguistically it is incorrect according to most scholars and it was not used by the Quran, nor Sunnah nor any of the companions in the context of God and His Messenger.
For these reasons, it is better to avoid it.
Allahu a’lam
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