Ancient Muslim & Christian Debate
‘Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones’ … من كانَ بيتُهُ من زُجاج لا يرمي الناسَ بالحجارة
The truth is like like a solid wall, whatever you throw at it, it bounces back at you:
1- Al-Qadhy Abdul-Jabbar, a mu’tazili theologian, who lived 1,000 years ago in Baghdad wrote a book in defence of the Prophet and in refutation of the Christian arguments against him.
He writes:
ولكنهم لم يجدوا في رسول مغمزا فعابوه بحمل السيف واتخاذ الأزواج، وهم يعيبون هذا منه صلى الله عليه ويدعون أن الله قد اتخذ مريم أما لولده واتخذ الولد لنفسه وإن لم يسموا مريم زوجة
“They could not find a flaw in the Prophet [Mohammad], so they tried to belittle him for carrying the sword and for getting married, while THEY claim that God choose Mary to birth His son without even calling Mary His wife!”
[“Tathbeet Dala’il an-Nubuwwah”, 1/190].
2- And it is reported, that in the year 981 AD, Imam Abu Bakr al-Baqilani, the Ash’ari theologian, was invited to debate the Christians in Constantinople.
ثم التفت إلى الراهب الأكبر وقال له :
كيف حالكم وكيف الأهل والأولاد ؟
غضب ملك الروم وقال :
” ألم تعلم بأن رهباننا لا يتزوّجون ولا ينجبون الأطفال ؟
فقال أبو بكر : الله أكبر !!
تُنَزّهون رهبانكم عن الزواج والإنجاب ثم تتهمون ربكم بأنه تزوج مريم وأنجب عيسى !!
As he entered the palace room, he began to ask the priests: “How are you and your family and your children?”
They became angry, saying: “Do you not know that our priests are not married and have no children?”
Abu Bakr al-Baqilani said: “You purified your pastors from marriage and offspring then you accuse God of having taken Jesus as His son?”
3- They also questioned Imam al-Baqilani about the Prophet’s wars, and why he lost at Uhud:
قال الملك: “عجيب ! نبيٌّ ويُهزّم ؟؟؟
فقال أبو بكر: “أإله ويُصلَب؟؟
“If he was a true Prophet, why was he defeated?!”
Al-Baqilani said: “If your “GOD” can be killed on the cross, why can’t our human Prophet lose a battle?”
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