Debating Is a Skill
Not every scholar is a debater …
Ibn Abdul-Barr said : كل مجادل عالم وليس كل عالم مجادلا
So every debater can be knowledgeable, but not every knowledgeable person can be a debater.
Debating is a skill in itself …
It is possibly for an IGNORANT & MISGUIDED PERSON to DEFEAT and TRAP a knowledgeable scholar, if the scholar is not a skilled debater.
It doesn’t mean the truth lost, it means, the scholar was not a skilled debater.
It’s like in football: there are defenders, there are attackers, there is a goal-keeper, there is a coach, there is a commentator etc. Just because football coaches or commentators know everything about football, it doesn’t mean they can enter the field and score goals!!
Ibn Taymiyah said :
ليس كلُّ من وجدَ العلم قدرَ على التعبير عنه والاحتجاج له، فالعلمُ شيءٌ، وبيانه شيء آخر، والمناظرةُ عنه وإقامةُ دليله شيء ثالث، والجواب عن حجة مخالفِه شيء رابعٌ
“Not everyone who obtains knowledge has the capability to express it and use it as an evidence.
1- Knowledge is one thing,
2- Explaining it is something else,
3- Debating about it and establishing its evidence is a third matter,
4- And replying to the evidence of those who oppose him is a fourth matter.”
[“Jawaab al-I’tiradaat al-Misreeyah”, p. 44].
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