Monotheism & Polytheism
A single drop of polytheism [شرك] can turn a mountain of good deeds into dust and a drop of monotheism [توحيد] can crush and turn a mountain of sins into dust.
Imam Ibn Rajab said:
فإن هذا التوحيد هو الإكسير الأعظم ، فلو وضع منه ذرة على جبال الذنوب والخطايا لقلبها حسنات
“Tawheed is the greatest elixir; if an atom of it were to be placed on mountains of sins, it would turn them into good deeds.”
[“Jaami‘ al-‘Uloom wa’l-Hikam”, 2/417].
Whatever you lose, make sure you never lose your Tawheed. That’s the key to eternal salvation.
Shirk causes eternal damnation…
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