Assuming Good About Beggars

Assuming good about beggars – أعطوا السائل

The Prophet is reported to have said:

‏ أَعْطُوا السَّائِلَ وَإِنْ جَاءَ عَلَى فَرَسٍ


[“Muwatta Malik”, 1846 – وهو مختلف فيه
Al-Iraqi said: وسنده جيد.
Ibn Abdul-Barr said: سنده ليس بالقوي ].

Meaning: A horse was a symbol of prosperity and financial stability in those days – like a car today.

So this means, assume good, don’t assume that the beggar is rich and a fraudster – even if he looks like he is well off.

Imam al-Bayhaqi explained in light of this Hadith that a person may have many dependents and may no longer have a job, so we should still help him, even if he comes on a horse.

I admit, I have been guilty of this myself. At times, I have been asked and I have thought: “he will use the money to buy drugs, wine, cigarettes”, etc.

We don’t know that.

That’s a trick of the devil to stop us from giving charity.

They may have other needs which we don’t know about.

We will be rewarded for our charity and good intentions, even if the beggar turns out to be a fraud.

However, if we know for CERTAIN that a certain individual is a fake – then we shouldn’t be gullible and not give them any charity.

There are also many professional fake beggars on Facebook.

They add you as friend, then try to be friendly with you to win your trust and then ask you for money.

Not all are fake of course, but some are fake.

We should be vigilant, but assume good of people.

Allahu A’alam

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