60 Years Worship & 6 Nights Fornication – مصنف ابن أبي شيبة
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud said:
إنَّ راهبًا عَبَدَ اللهَ في صومعته ستين سنة، فجاءت امرأةٌ فنزلت إلى جنبه، فنزل إليها فواقعها ستَّ ليال، ثم أُسقط في يده، ثم هرب، فأتى مسجدًا فأوى فيه، فمكث ثلاثًا لا يطعم شيئًا، فأُتيَ برغيف فكسر نصفه، فأعطاه رجلاً عن يمينه، وأعطى الآخر رجلاً عن يساره، ثم بُعث إليك ملَكٌ، فقبض روحه، فوضع عملُ ستين سنة في كِفَّة، ووضعت السيئة في أخرى، فرجحت، ثم جيء بالرغيف فرجح بالسيئة
“A worshipper worshipped God in his monastery for 60 YEARS.
A woman came close to him and he was lured to her.
He fornicated with her for 6 NIGHTS.
He realised what he had done and fled that place in bewilderment!!
He found a Mosque and took shelter there for three days, without eating anything.
He was given a loaf of bread.
He broke it in half and gave one part to the person on his right and another part to the person on left.
Then the Angel of Death came and took his soul.
His 60 years of worship was placed on one side of the Scale and this sin (6 nights of fornication) was placed on the other side.
His sin weighed more!
Then the loaf of bread was placed on the scale and it weighed more than the sin.”
[“Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah”, 9906 – Authentic – إسناده صحيح].
Never belittle major sins – they can outweigh many years of worship.
And also never belittle acts of kindness, they can outweigh major sins.
One person went to Hell for starving a cat.
Another person went to heaven for giving water to a dog.
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