Making Children Memorize The Qur’an
Consider this:
سئل الإمام مالك : عن صبي ابن سبع سنين جمع القرآن [ أي حفظه ] ؟ فقال : ما أرى هذا ينبغي .
Imam Malik was asked about a 7 year old child made to memorize the Qur’an.
He said: ‘I do not consider that appropriate.’
Al-Abhari explained:
قال الإمام أبو بكر الأبهري ( ت٣٧٥هـ) في شرحه لهذا الجواب : إنما كرهه مالك ؛ لأنه إذا تعلمه على هذه السرعة لم يحكم أخذه ، ويعرف[ حد]وده ، وسبيل من تعلم القرآن : أن يتعلمه ، ويتبين أحكامه وحدوده ، حسب طاقته ، والصبي لا يمكنه هذا في الأغلب . وقد كان أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يبقون في السورة الطويلة يتعلمونها ، ويتبينون ما فيها من الأحكام )) . شرح الجامع لابن عبد الحكم ( ١٥٩- ١٦٠) .
“Malik disliked it, because if a person memorises it this quickly he cannot properly retain it, knowing the parameters it sets. The path of he who learns the Qur’an is that he studies it, unearthing it’s laws and knowing the parameters it sets, according to his ability, and a child in most cases is unable to do this. The Companions would remain with one long surah studying it, uncovering all the ahkam within it.”
[“Sharh al-Jami’, Ibn Abd al-Hakam, 159].
The Qur’an was meant to be understood & acted upon.
At a very young age, children should play, have fun, and enjoy their childhood.
When they reach an age of understanding, then they should study & memorise.
If Imam Malik said that about a child, what would he have said about grown up men & women who memorise the entire Qur’an without understanding a word of it?
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