Importance Of Priorities
Importance of Priorities – الأولويات
Is there any benefit in guarding this door – when the walls & roof are gone?
The Ahnaaf and Ahlalhadith in Asia are constantly fighting over minor Fiqhi issues, like:
– Wiping over socks (المسح على الخفين)
– Raising hands in prayer (رفع اليدين)
– Saying Ameen loud (الجهر بالتأمين)
– Reciting Fatiha behind the Imam (قراءة الفاتحة للمأموم)
etc. etc.
Meanwhile the basic fundamentals of religion are under attack: the roots of the tree are in danger, and we are defending its branches.
It’s like guarding the door of a house, and ignoring the fact that we’re losing its windows, walls, roof, etc.
When your house is on fire, you don’t sweep the floor.
[skip this part if you are a kid: A man was fornicating with a prostitute, but he was not looking at her face during the act.
She said: ‘Why don’t you look at me?’
He said: ‘It is haram to look at a non-mahram’s face’.]
Completely messed up priorities.
Some people came from Iraq and asked Ibn Umar about killing mosquitos.
Ibn Umar said:
انْظُرُوا إِلَى هَذَا، يَسْأَلُنِي عَنْ دَمِ الْبَعُوضِ وَقَدْ قَتَلُوا ابْنَ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم
“Look at that! he is asking me about the blood of Mosquitoes while they (the Iraqis ) have killed the (grand) son of the Prophet.”
Ahnaaf & Ahlalhadith don’t realise that these are minor Fiqhi Ijtihadi issues – which even the Salaf disagreed about.
The Ahlalhadith accuse the Ahnaaf of being ignorant of the Sunnah.
The Ahnaaf accuse the Ahlalhadith of being Wahabis.
The truth is: all of these diverse opinions existed among the Salaf.
It doesn’t make someone misguided, ignorant or a Wahabi.
It’s OK … these topics are important in their context, they are part of our religion and everyone can defend their understanding – HOWEVER, this should NOT lead to sectarianism and enmity between brothers.
Let’s agree to disagree.
See how light-hearted the classical Imams dealt with these disputes:
Imaam Wakii’ narrated:
صليت في مسجد الكوفة فإذا أبو حنيفة قائم يصلي وابن المبارك إلى جنبه يصلي، فإذا عبد الله يرفع يديه كلما ركع وكلما رفع وأبو حنيفة لا يرفع، فلما فرغوا من الصلاة، قال أبو حنيفة لعبد الله: يا أبا عبد الرحمن رأيتك تكثر رفع اليدين أردت أن تطير؟ فقال له عبد الله: يا أبا حنيفة قد رأيتك ترفع يديك حين افتتحت الصلاة فأردت أن تطير فسكت أبو حنيفة. قال وكيع: فما رأيت جواباً أحضر من جواب عبد الله لأبي حنيفة
“I prayed in the Masjid in Kufah (Iraq).
Abu Hanifah stood up to pray and Abdullah Ibn Mubarak was praying next to him.
Abdullah Ibn Mubarak used to raise his hands from every Ruku’ (raf’ al-yadayn).
Abu Hanifah did not do that (he only did it once at the beginning of prayer).
They finished prayer.
Abu Hanifah said to Abdullah Ibn Mubarak: “I noticed you were raising your hands up and down a lot, were you trying to fly?”
Abdullah Ibn Mubarak replied: “How about you? You also raised your hands up and down at the beginning of prayer, were you also trying to fly?”
Imam Wakii’ said: “I had never seen such a quick comeback.”
[“Sunan al-Kubra”, of al-Bayhaqi, 2/82].
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