Hadith Scholars Weakening Their Own Family

Hadith Scholars weakening their own FAMILY – الجرح والتعديل

When it came to passing on knowledge to us, the Hadith scholars were brutally honest and they did not betray this trust.

They even weakened their own family & friends – so that the truth will be preserved.

1 – Imam Abu Dawud said about his own son:

عن علي بن الحسين بن الجنيد يقول سمعت أبا داود السجستاني يقول ابني عبد الله هذا كذاب. وكان بن صاعد يقول كفانا ما قال أبوه فيه
“My son Abdullah is a liar.”
And Bin Sa’d used to say: “Sufficient for us are his fathers words regarding him”.

[“Al-Kaamil fi Du’afa”, 4/266].

2 – Ali bin al-Madini was asked regarding his father, he said:

وقد سئل علي بن المديني عن أبيه، فقال: اسألوا غيري، فقالوا: سألناك؛ فأطرق، ثم رفع رأسه، وقال: هذا هو الدين؛ أبي ضعيف
“Ask someone else”.
They said: “We ask you”.
He turned away.
Then he raised his head, saying: “This is religion, my father is weak”.

[“Al-Majruheen”, 2/14].

3 – Zayd bin Abi Anisah said regarding his brother Yahyaa:

قال زيد بن أبي أنيسة في أخيه يحيى: لا تحملن عن أخي شيئًا فإنه كذاب
“Don’t narrate anything from my brother, because he is a liar”.

[“Al-Kaamil”, 7/2644].

4- Jarir bin Abdullah al-Humayd said about his brother Anas:

لا يكتب عنه ؛ فإنه يكذب
“Don’t write from him, because he lies.”

[“Al-Jarh wal-Ta’dil”, 2/289].


So don’t think this knowledge was passed on to us, carelessly.

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