Moses Slapping Angel Hadith

The Hadith of Moses slapping the Eye of the Angel of Death:
قصة موسى وملك الموت

These are NOT the words of the Prophet:

This incident has been narrated by various chains as Abu Hurairah’s own words [mawquf] – without attributing it to the Prophet [as in the above example].

It has also been narrated by others also via Abu Hurairah, but attributing it to the Prophet [marfu’].

So there is some confusion…

Muhadith Abdur-Rahman al-Mu’allimee al-Yamani concludes that it is mawquf [stops at Sahabi], not marfu’ [not to be attributed to the Prophet]:

أقول : القصة على ما ذكر هنا من كلام أبي هريرة ، وإنما الذي من كلام النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قوله : «فلو كنت ثم الخ» وليس فيه ما يستشكل
“I say: This story which we mentioned are the words of Abu Hurairah.
The only part which are the words of the Prophet are only the following: “Were I there I would show you the grave of Moses by the way near the red sand hill.”
There is nothing problematic about that.”

[“Anwar al-Kashifa”, 219].

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