Reliable Narrators Can Make Mistakes
Can Reliable Hadith Narrators (الرواة الثقات) make mistakes?
Reliability does not mean Infallibility.
Reliable narrators are still human beings – prone to err, forget and get confused sometimes – like a reliable witness in court.
Al-Iraaqi says:
حيث قال أهل الحديث : هذا حديث صحيح ، فمرادهم فيما ظهر لنا عملا بظاهر الإسناد ، لا أنه مقطوع بصحته في نفس الأمر ، لجواز الخطأ والنسيان على الثقة
هذا هو الصحيح الذي عليه أكثر أهل العلم
وكذا قولهم : هذا حديث ضعيف فمرادهم أنه لم يظهر لنا فيه شروط الصحة ، لا أنه كذب في نفس الأمر ، لجواز صدق الكاذب ، وإصابة من هو كثير الخطأ
“When the people of Hadith say: This Hadith is authentic.
They mean, this is how it appears to us based on its chain.
They do not mean that it is established with certainty, because a reliable narrator can also forget and make mistakes.
This is the truth and this is what the majority of scholars are upon.
Similarly, when they say: This Hadith is weak.
They mean, the authenticity of this report has not become apparent to us.
They do not mean that it is a lie, because a liar can speak the truth and someone who makes a lot of mistakes can be correct at times.”
[‘Sharh al-Tabsirah’, 1/105].
An exception to this rule are the mass transmitted narrations (المتواتر).
They are established with certainty.
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