Weak Hadith About The Whip

There is a weak Hadith floating around, which says:

علقوا السوط حيث يراه أهل البيت
“Hang a whip where the members
of the household can clearly see it.”

This is not authentic.

It should not be attributed to the Prophet, for the following reasons:

1- Abu Nu’aym narrates that the Prophet said:
لا ترفع العصا عن أهلك
“Do not hold back your stick against the members of your household.”
[“Hilyatul-Awliya”, 7/332].
This chain is weak:
Abu Hatim al-Razi said:
هذا حديث كذب
“This Hadith is a lie [upon the Prophet].”
[“ilal”, 4/59].

2- Al-Tabarani narrates that the Prophet said:
علقوا السوط حيث يراه أهل البيت ، فإنه أدب لهم
“Hang a whip where the members of the household can see it, for that will discipline them.”
[“Al-Mu’jam al-Kabir”, 10/248].
This chain is weak:
The chain contains ‘سلام بن سليمان’, about whom:
Ibn ‘Uday said:
منكر الحديث
“His Ahadith are rejected.”
[“Al-Kaamil”, 3/309].

3- Al-Daylami narrates that the Prophet said:
رحم الله عبدا علق في بيته سوطا يؤدب به أهله
“May God have mercy on the person who hangs a whip in his house, to discipline thereby the members of his household.”
[“Musnad al-Daylami”, 2/165].
This chain is weak:
The chain contains ‘عباد بن كثير البصري’ who is rejected: وهو متروك الحديث
And it contains ‘معان أبو صالح البصري’, who is unknown: وهو مجهول منكر الحديث

4- Abdul-Razaaq narrated that the Prophet said:
علقوا السوط حيث يراه أهل البيت
“Hang a whip where the members of the household can see it.”
[“Al-Musannaf”, 20123].
This chain is also weak:
The chain contains ‘الحسن بن عمارة’, whose Ahadith are rejected: وهو متروك الحديث
And it contains ‘ ابن أبي ليلى’, who is weak: وهو ضعيف الحديث
And it contains ‘النضر بن علقمة أبو المغيرة’ who is unknown: وهو مجهول

5- Ibn ‘Uday narrated that the Prophet said:
خلوا السوط حيث يراه أهل البيت
“Leave the whip where the members of the household can see it.”
[“Al-Kaamil”, 8/130].
This chain is also weak:
The chain contains ‘منصور بْن عَبد الحميد أَبُو نصير الباوردي’, who is unknown: مجهول
And it contains ‘قدير بن منيع’, who is also unknown.
And it contains ‘أبي مسلم عبد الرحمن بن مسلم’, who is unreliable.
And it contains ‘ إبراهيم الإمام’, who is also unknown: مجهول الحديث

6- Khatib al-Baghdadi narrates that the Prophet said:
علقوا السوط حيث يراه أهل البيت ، فإنه أدب لهم
“Hang a whip where the members of the household can see it, for that will discipline them.”
[“Tarikh”, 12/199 and by Ibn Asaakir 46/353].
This chain is also weak:
The chain contains ‘عبد الصمد بن علي بن عبد الله بن عباس’, who is unreliable.
And ‘المأمون وأبيه وجده’ who are also unreliable.
And ‘علي بن محمد بن شبيب’ who is unknown.


As you can see, all the chains are weak, nothing is authentic.

Ibn Hajar al-Haythami considered one of the chains ‘hassan’ but he was lenient, mutasaahil. Upon critical analysis – none of these narrations pass the test of authenticity.

According to the authentic narrations: the Prophet never hit his family members:

Aishah said:
مَا ضَرَبَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ خَادِمًا لَهُ وَلاَ امْرَأَةً وَلاَ ضَرَبَ بِيَدِهِ شَيْئًا ‏.‏
“The Messenger of Allah never beat any of his servants, or wives, and his hand never hit anything.”
[“Sunan Ibn Majah”, 1984 – صحيح].

This is authentic.

He only resorted to violence during war, which is understandable, as they say:
جنګ کې حلوا نه ویشل کیږي!
‘during war, people don’t distribute candy.’

As for that other Hadith about beating children when they don’t pray at the age of 10 – that is also weak: https://www.facebook.com/mohmand.laghmani/posts/10159916573483496

Allaahu A’alam

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