Changing Character
Hadith: changing human character is more difficult than moving mountains
The Prophet is reported to have said:
إِذَا سَمِعْتُمْ بِجَبَلٍ زَالَ عَنْ مَكَانِهِ، فَصَدِّقُوا، وَإِذَا سَمِعْتُمْ بِرَجُلٍ تَغَيَّرَ عَنْ خُلُقِهِ، فَلَا تُصَدِّقُوا بِهِ
“If you hear that a mountain has moved from its place, believe it; but if you hear that a man’s nature has changed, don’t believe it, for a person remains true to their character.”
[“Musnad Ahmad”, 27539 – إسناد منقطع ].
About the chain:
Imam al-Sakhawi said:
وهو منقطع، إذ الزهري لم يدرك أبا الدرداء لكن له شواهد
“The chain of narrators is disrupted, because Zuhri did not meet Abu Darda, but this narration has collaborating evidences (shawaahid).”
[“Al-Maqasid al-Hassanah”, 157].
Abou the meaning:
There are some human traits, which CAN be changed, and there are other traits that are imbedded in our DNA, they CANNOT be changed.
For example, some people may be cowards, or stingy or very quiet by nature. It is difficult to change this.
Others may be naturally introverts. Some may be very talkative, generous and brave by nature. Some get angry very quickly naturally. Each person is tested with a different trait. The test for them is to restrain this behaviour, but they cannot change their nature.
Mulla Ali Qari al-Hanafi said:
ولذا قال تعالى : والكاظمين الغيظ ولم يقل والعادمين له
“For this reason, Allah said: “And those who RESTRAIN their anger.” [3:134], and He did not say: “And those who ERADICATE their anger.”
[“Mirqat al-Mafatih”, 1/200].
That’s why the scholars recommend choosing the right husband and wife to father/mother your children, because certain traits get inherited, just like we inherit our physical features from our ancestors.
Allahu A’lam
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