Hatim ‘The Deaf’

Why was Hatim al-Asam called (“Hatim, the deaf”)? – حاتم الأصم

It was narrated:

A woman asked Hatim a question and she accidentally passed wind.

She felt ashamed, so Hatim quickly said:

“Raise your voice!!”

He pretended that he is hard of hearing – to cover her shame.

From then on, he became known as “Hatim al-Asam (Hatim, the deaf)”.

He was actually not deaf.

This is Adab.

حاتم الأصم:
قيل أنه لقب بـ “الأصم” لأن امرأة سألته مسألة، فخرج منها صوت ريح من تحتها، فخجلت، فقال لها: ارفعي صوتك، وأراها من نفسه أنه أصم حتى سكن ما بها، فغلب عليه الأصم
طبقات الأولياء، تأليف: ابن الملقن، ص146

He was a great Imam of the Salaf, and Dhahabi says that he used to be called the “Luqman of this Nation – لقمان هذه الأمة” – because he was so wise.

People used to seek his advise.

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