The Shariah Is Like An Ocean

Do we need this many books to understand the Qur’an?

Imam al-Subki, ash-Shafi’ii said 700 years ago:
الشريعة كالبحر كل وقت يعطي جواهر
“The Shariah is like an ocean which continuously produces pearls.”
[“Fatawa al-Subki”, 5/51].

The hundreds of Tafasir are not there because the Qur’an is difficult to understand … they are extracting additional pearls from this ocean.

Bishr Bin As-Sirri said:
إنما الآية مثل التمرة كلما مضغتها استخرجت حلاوتها
“Each verse of the Qur’an is like a date: the more you chew it, the more of its sweetness is released.”
[“Al-Burhan fi Ulum al-Qur’an”, 1/471].

The Qur’an was not meant for the PAST only, but also for the PRESENT and the FUTURE. It’s like an ocean. We will continue to discover new wisdoms in the Qur’an. This door will never be closed. It will always remain open.

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