Don’t Talk Too Much

If you want to grab people’s attention: “Talk LESS, say MORE…تكلم أقل ، قل أكثر

Imam Shafi’iee said in a poem:

أما ترى الاسد تُخشى و هي صامتة ؟!
والكلب يخسى لعمري و هو نباح
“Do you not see how people are in awe of the lion, although he is silent?
And yet dogs are forsaken (not given any attention), but by God do they bark.”



Most people switch-off when you talk too much, or when they see a long lump of text…

It is also said:
خير الكلام ما قل ودل، ولم يطل فيمل
Meaning: the best speech is short and to the point.

The Prophet spoke with concise statements (جوامع الكلم), and he used to smile and joke with people, so he did not bore people.

This applies to social media, also if you are a public speaker, or a Khateeb, or a team-leader etc.

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