Misinterpreting People’s Words
Ibn Taymiyah said:
من كان في قلبه مرض يأخذ من كل كلام ما يناسب مرضه
“People who have a sickness in their hearts will take from every speech whatever suits their sickness.”
[“Jaami’ al-Masail”, 7/191].
We may say something positive, but negative people will distort our words, giving it a negative twist, due to a grudge they hold against us, or some sickness in their heart, like jealousy.
When hearts become filthy and sick…they require spiritual treatment, but most people unfortunately just focus on physical diseases and their treatment.
If you put on dark-sunglasses…even beautiful daylight looks dark. These type of diseases of the heart darken people’s vision, so they start interpreting harmless statements maliciously.
When people do this to you, don’t blame yourself.
There is no escape from this.
The same thing happened with the Word of God, i.e. the previous Revelations, which was distorted:
يُحَرِّفُونَ ٱلْكَلِمَ مِنۢ بَعْدِ مَوَاضِعِهِ
“They distort the meaning of the words, taking them out of their context.” [5:41].
The Qur’an, which is also the Word of God, has been misinterpreted by the Khawarij and other misguided sects.
If people can distort God’s words, who are we?
Just be cautious, keep your heart clean towards everyone, but keep your distance from negative people and don’t give them ammunition to be used against you.
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