Attacking Top Scholars
There are some people who are trying to attack & discredit scholars like Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Bukhari, Ibn Taymiyah, and others….
The poet says:
يا ناطح الجبل أشفق على رأسك
“O you who headbutts the mountain;
show mercy to your head!”
And the proverb says:
لا يَضُرُّ السحاب نَبْحُ الكلاب
‘The barking of Kilaab (dogs),
does not harm the Sihaab (clouds).”
We don’t believe in infallible Imams, and all scholars made mistakes, but we disagree respectfully.
Our scholars dedicated their lives to this religion.
Their good outweighs their faults – by far.
They stand like firm mountains… your feeble efforts will not even make a dent!
Your attacks will not even reach them, they are elevated high above you.
The only thing you will achieve is losing the few hasanaat you may have…. don’t risk it.
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