Belittling Abu Hanifah
Once a guy belittled and disrespected Imam Abu Hanifah and compared himself to him – saying:
أنا رجل وأبو حنيفة رجل
“I am a man and Abu Hanifah was a man.”
Shaykh Abdul Nasir Hadara حفظه الله said:
ومن يشكك في رجولتك
ولكن أبا حنيفة عالم في الثريا
وأنت جاهل في الثرى
“Who questioned your manhood?
The difference is:
Abu Hanifah is an ‘Aalim (scholar) among the stars (الثريا);
And you are a Jaahil (ignoramus) here on earth (الثرى)!”
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