Broken Mirrors
It is said:
إيّاك أن تنظر إلى المرآة المكسورة!
‘Beware of looking into broken mirrors…’
A broken mirror will show YOU as broken, but you may not be in pieces… the flaws may be within the mirror.
When we seek validation and try to discover our self-worth, we sometimes seek it from flawed individuals.
They will tell us that we are not good enough and that we are broken … but it may be that THEY themselves are the problem and they’re reflecting their negativity on you.
This can be your dad, your mom, your ‘friends’, your teacher … it can be anyone.
The Prophet said:
الْمُؤْمِنُ مِرْآةُ الْمُؤْمِنِ
“The believer is the believer’s mirror.”
[‘Abu Dawud’, 4918].
But beware of looking into broken mirrors …
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