Humility Of Imam Dhahabi
What Imam Dhahabi – الذهبي – said about himself …
He was a very humble scholar, despite being a giant in knowledge.
He added a tiny biography of himself in one of his books, described himself as Shafi’ii in Madhab and said about himself:
جمع تواليف , يقال مفيدة , والجماعة يتفضلون ويثنون عليه، وهو أخبر بنفسه في العلم، والله المستعان ولا قوة إلا به، وإذا سلم لي إيماني فيا فوزي
“… and he authored some books, WHICH WERE SAID TO BE USEFUL.
The community out of their kindness mentions him with praise, but he knows himself better, and how lacking he is in knowledge.
God is the One whose help is sought, and there is no might except through Him, and if only my faith was accepted from me then how victorious will I be!”
[“Al-Mu’jam al-Mukhtass Bil-Muhaditheen”, p. 97].
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