Who Is Your Lord?
A clever answer by a believer, in the presence of the Pharaoh – ربي ربهما
Ibn al-Jawzi mentioned:
روى أن رجلين من آل فرعون سعيا برجل مؤمن إلى فرعون فأحضره فرعون وأحضرهما وقال للساعيين من ربكما قالا أنت فقال للمؤمن من ربك قال ربي ربهما فقال فرعون سعيتما برجل على ديني لأقتله فقتلهما
Two guards of the Pharaoh brought a believer to the Pharaoh, to punish him for disbelieving in him.
The Pharaoh asked his guards: “Who is your Lord?”
The guards said: “You are our Lord.”
The Pharaoh asked the believer: “And who is your Lord?”
The believer said: “Their Lord is also my Lord.”
The Pharaoh said to his guards: “You brought this man to me, so I would kill him, while he is on my religion?”
The Pharaoh killed the two guards.
[“Al-Adhkiyaa”, 1/61].
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