How did Jesus walk on Water? – عيسى ابن مريم
Ibn Kathir narrates from some of the Salaf that:
Jesus was asked by his Companions: “How do you walk on water?”
Jesus replied: “With faith and certainty.”
They said: “We also have faith and certainty like you.”
Jesus said: “Let’s go for a walk.”
They tried to walk with him on water, when they saw the waves, they fell into the water!!
Jesus asked: “What happened?”
They said: “We feared the waves.”
Jesus said: “You did not fear the Lord of the waves!”
They came out of the water.
So Jesus put his hands in the ground and in one of his hands came out dirt or a pebble and in the other hand gold.
He asked his Companions: “Which of these is more beloved to your hearts?”
They said: “This gold.”
He said: “To me, they are equal.”
[Ibn Kathir, ‘Qisas ul-Anbiya’, p. 442].
قيل لعيسى : بأي شيء تمشي على الماء ؟
قال : بالإيمان واليقين
قالوا : فإن آمنا كما آمنت وأيقنا كما أيقنت
قال : فامشوا إذا
قال : فمشوا معه فجاءهم الموج فغرقوا
قال لهم عيسى : ما لكم ؟
قالوا : خفنا الموج
قال : ألا خفتم رب الموج
قال: فأخرجهم. ثم ضرب بيده إلى الارض فقبض بها ثم بسطها فإذا في إحدى يديه ذهب وفي الاخرى مدر أو حصى
فقال : أيهما أحلا في قلوبكم ؟
قالوا : هذا الذهب
قال : فإنهما عندي سواء
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