Don’t Worry About Sustenance
Your sustenance ‘رزق’ will reach you , even if its stuck between the SHARP TEETH of predators:
Al-Jahiz said 1200 years ago:
وأيّ شيء أعجب من طائر ليس له رزق إلّا أن يخلّل أسنان التّمساح، ويكون ذلك له
“What is more amazing than a bird, the sustenance of which is stuck between the teeth of crocodiles, and they manage to obtain it!!”
[“Kitab al-Hayawan”, 2/311].
A bird called the ‘Egyptian plover’ has amazed people for thousands of years. These birds have developed a mutually beneficial relationship with crocodiles. The meat that gets stuck in the teeth of crocodiles causes bacterial infections, so they allow these birds to clean their teeth. The birds act like dentists for these crocodiles, and the birds benefit because they get to eat leftover meat.
The Qur’an states:
وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الرَّازِقِينَ
“And God is the best of providers.” [62:11].
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