Ignorant Takfiris

The Takfir of ignorant people means nothing – ابن القيم

Ibn al-Qayyim said:
وأما الجاهل المقلد فلا تعبأ به ولا يسوءك سبه وتكفيره وتضليله فإنه كنباح الكلب فلا تجعل للكلب عندك قدرا أن ترد عليه كلما نبح عليك ودعه يفرح بنابحه
“As for the ignorant blind follower, then do not pay attention to him.
Do not allow his insults to offend you, nor his Takfir, nor his declaring of you to be misguided.
Certainly, it is like the barking of a dog;
So do not make the dog important by responding to it every time it barks at you.
Leave it in delight with its barking.”
[“Al-Sawaa’iq al-Mursalah”, 3/1158].


Sometimes, these ignorant Takfiris think: ‘if we make Takfir on this person, he becomes a kaafir.’
I’m surprised to see decent people, grounded in knowledge – get offended and become defensive when a jaahil makes Takfir on them lol
The truth is, the words of these Takfiri juhaal have no impact…
Day does not become night by their words…
The truth does not become falsehood by their words…
They think that the utterance of their Takfir is like a magic wand, which turns a believer into a disbeliever – at their will.
The truth is: a child wouldn’t bring them a glass of water if they asked for it!!
Their words mean nothing.

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