Fake Saints

A fake-saint was selling Paradise land.
He was charging people 100 Dinar, for a plot of land in Paradise.
Ignorant people believed in him, thinking he is a saint, so it must be some kind of miracle.
So one scholar went to him and said: “I want to buy a plot of land in Hell.”
The fake-saint was astonished, but saw this as a profit-making opportunity, so he said: “50 Dinar.”
The scholar said: “I WANT TO BUY THE ENTIRE HELL.”
The fake-saint thought about it, and said: “Ok, 500 Dinar.”
So, he bought it, and got a receipt.
He stood up and said to all the gullible people:

أيها الناس لقد إشتريتُ جهنم كلها ؛ ولن أسمح لأي شخص منكم بالدخول إليها ؛ فقد صارت ملكي بموجب هذا السند ؛ أما أنتم فلم يتبقّ لكم إلا الجنة ؛ وليس لكم من سكنٍ غيرها سواء إشتريتم قطعاً أم لم تشتروا …
“O people, I just purchased the entire Hellfire!
I will not allow any of you to enter it.
There is no place for you to go except Paradise, so you no longer need to buy your plot in Paradise.”

The fake-saint went out of business…

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