Rich & Poor
Imbalance of Wealth:
فقیری به ثروتمندی گفت: کجا تشریف میبرید؟
ثروتمند گفت: قدم میزنم تا اشتها پیدا کنم! تو کجا میروی؟
فقیر گفت: من اشتها دارم، اما قدم میزنم تا غذا پیدا کنم!!!
A poor man asked a rich man: “Where are you going?”
The rich man said: “I’m walking to (digest my food and) get an appetite… and you?”
The poor man said: “I have appetite, I’m walking to find food.”
In rich countries, people die from eating too much, i.e. obesity, etc.
In poor countries, people die from eating too little, i.e. lack of nutrition, etc.
There is a huge imbalance of wealth-distribution in the world.
If God has given you wealth, remember that the poor have a share in it.
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