Truthful Merchant
Ibrahim al-Nakha’ii [a great Imam of Tabi’iin] was asked:
وقال إبراهيم النخعي – رحمه الله – وسئل عن الرجل يترك التجارة ويقبل على الصلاة يعني ورجل يشتغل بالتجارة أيهما أفضل قال التاجر الأمين.
الآداب الشرعية لابن مفلح ( 3 / 428 )
‘Who is better among these two: A man who abstains from trade and spends his time in prayer or a merchant who is occupied with trade?’
He replied: “The truthful merchant.”
[‘Aadab al-Shar’iyah’, 3/261].
* Note: This is talking about voluntary prayers, not the obligatory prayers, which nobody can miss due to trade.
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