Leave A Good Legacy

Leave A Good Legacy …. الإمام الشاطبي

Imaam Al-Shaatibi said:

وطوبى لمن مات وماتت معه ذنوبه. والويل الطويل لمن يموت وتبقى ذنوبه مائة سنة ومائتي سنة، يعذب بها في قبره ويسأل عنها إلى انقراضها
“Blessed are those who die and their sins die with them. Woe to those who died, but their sins continued their effects for another one hundred or two hundred years on earth. They will get punished for it in their graves and they will be questioned about these acts, from their beginning until their cessation.”

[“Al-Muwafaqaat”, 1/229].

Our good and bad actions have a ripple effect, long after we leave this world……..

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