
About 1,000 years ago, a scholar by the name of Ibn al-Marzubaan (d. 921) was so fed up with people in his society that he wrote a book called:

(فضل الكلاب على كثير ممن لبس الثياب).
“The Superiority of Dogs (kilaab),
over many of Those who wear Clothes (thiyaab).”

He mentions many praiseworthy characteristics of dogs which humans can learn from, for example their unconditional loyalty.

A man was trying to get rid of his dog, so he threw it in a well and he kept throwing mud in the well, to bury the dog. As the well was getting filled, the dog kept stepping on the mud, until it jumped out of the well and happily ran to its owner, who was actually trying to kill it!

Another man died. All his relatives left the funeral, but his dog remained by his grave until it died….

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