Category: Language

It has been mentioned: ومر عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه على قوم يسيئون الرمي، فقرعهم، فقالوا: إنا قوم ” متعلمين ” ، فأعرض مغضباً، وقال: والله لخطؤكم في لسانكم، أشد علي من خطئكم في رميكم Omar Ibn al-Khattab passed by some people who were makin...

A linguist boarded a boat - من طرائف النحويين The linguist asked the boat navigator: "Do you know much about grammar?" The navigator replied: "No." The linguist said: "You lost half your life." ...

Death of a Donkey ... موتٌ خيرٌ مِنْ مَوْتٍ! One of Sibawayh's servants came running to him saying that his donkey is strangling itself with the rope around its neck, but he made a grammatical mistake in this sentence. Sibaw...

A man was a linguist. His horse stumbled, and he fell off his horse. People gathered around him. He said, using posh Arabic language: "Why have you all gathered around me, as if I'm a madman? Go away form me!" They were Arabs, but didn't understand h...

A man stumbled upon this Hadith: “الحبة السوداء شفاء من كل داء” "The black seed contains a cure for any disease." ["Sahih Bukhari", 5688] He read: "الحبة السوداء" (black seed) As: "ا...

In Arabic language, the way a person says: "our father", changes depending on the sentence. A man sought judgement from Imam al-Sha’bi - الشعبي - because he lost a part of his inheritance share in a dispute with his brothers...

Can we call "Allah - الله " "God" or "Khoda" - in other languages? Yes - there is no problem with this. 1- Ibn al-Humaam al-Hanafi said 500 years ago: ولو قال بالفارسية سوكند ميخورم بخداي يكون يمينا "If he says in Persian: “I swear by KHODA (GOD)”,...

A man wanted to debate a grammarian. He knocked on his door, his maid opened the door. He asked the maid: "Where is your master?" She said: فاءَ إلى الفيافي ليفيئ لنا فيئاً حتى إذا فاء الفيئُ , فاء "He went (faa’a),...

Grammatical Mistakes are no big deal - اللحن في اللغة There is no shame in making grammatical slips, here and there - it makes us human - major scholar of the past made such mistakes, it did not degrade them. Look at some examples below: 1- Imam A...

Language & Grammar is Important (النحو) Khateeb al-Baghdadi narrates that some scholars said: وعن الرحبي قال: سمعتُ بعض أصحابنا يقول: إذا كتبَ لَحَّان، فكتب عن اللَّحان لَحَّانٌ آخر، فكتب عن اللحان لحان آخر، صار الحديث بالفارسيَّة! [الجامع للخط...