Month: August 2020
Making Cows Understand
Al-Buhturi - البحتري He was a poet who lived more than 1,000 years ago. He wrote an eloquent poem, but some fools didn’t understand it, so they went around making fun of it. So, Al-Buhturi wrote a counter-poem: على نحت القوافي من معادنها...
View DetailsWatering Animals
Reward for Watering Animals - سنن النسائي The Prophet and his Companions were on a journey. It was a hot day. Some of them were fasting and some were not. They found a shade. ...
View DetailsDepression Is Not A Sign Of Weak Faith
Depression - a Sign of Weak faith - ضعف الإيمان? Prophet Yusuf went missing, and Allah said about the grief of his father Prophet Ya'qoob: وَقَالَ يَا أَسَفَىٰ عَلَىٰ يُوسُفَ وَابْيَضَّتْ عَيْنَاهُ مِنَ الْحُزْنِ "AND HE SAID: "OH, MY SORROW OVER Y...
View DetailsBelittling Abu Hanifah
Once a guy belittled and disrespected Imam Abu Hanifah and compared himself to him - saying: أنا رجل وأبو حنيفة رجل "I am a man and Abu Hanifah was a man." Shaykh Abdul Nasir Hadara حفظه الله said: ومن يشكك في رجولتك ولكن أبا حنيفة عالم في الثريا ...
View DetailsSequence Of Ablution
Sequence of Ablution - الترتيب في الوضوء Is the SEQUENCE/ORDER of washing each body part during the ablution A MUST? According to the Hanafis and Malikis, it is Sunnah/Recommended, not Compulsory. According to the Shafi'is and the Hanbalis, it is ...
View DetailsIbn Hazm’s Scholarship
Imam Ibn Hazm - إبن حزم He was a great Persian scholar who lived more than 1,000 years ago in Spain (i.e. in the West), but his excellence was not noticed by many people, so he said in a poem: أنا الشّمس فِي جوّ العلوم منيـرة ...
View DetailsBad Friends
Befriending some people is like buttoning your shirt ... You only realise your mistake when you reach the last button ... له ځینو خلکو سره ملګرتیا کول د ګریوان د تڼیو غلطو تړلو په څیر دی چی کله اخیری تکمی ته ورسیدی...
View DetailsGod Knows
A man was giving good quality food to a blind man. Someone suggested that he should be given lower quality food, by saying: هذا الأعمى لا يدري ماذا يأكلُ ! "This blind man doesn't even know what he is eatin...
View DetailsDestiny
Destiny - هل الإنسان مسيًّر أم مخيًّر؟ A student asked a wise man if humans have FREE WILL or if things are FORCED upon us? The wise man said: "ارفع قدمك - lift your foot." He did - so the wise man said: "This is free will." The wise man asked hi...
View DetailsFatwa Shopping
Fatwa Shopping - تتبع الرخص What is meant by 'تتبع الرخص' is that a person seeks the easiest and most lenient verdicts of jurists. This issue is not as black/white as some people want you to believe - it is disputed: 1- The Hanafi giant, Ibn Humam...
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