Category: Life
Be Flexible In Life
In life, we should generally not be rigid, but flexible and adapt to changing circumstances ... الشجرة التي لا تنحني امام الرياح تنكسر "The trees that don't bend with the winds get uprooted..."...
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Antarah bin Shaddad, the Jahili poet, says in a poem: لا تَسقِني ماءَ الحَياةِ بِذِلَّةٍ بَل فَاِسقِني بِالعِزِّ كَأسَ الحَنظَلِ “Don’t offer me the water of life, if it lacks dignity. Pour me a cup of b...
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In Life - try to turn negatives into positives: إذا ناولك أحدهم كوب ليمون فأضف إليه حفنة من سكر... وإذا أهدي لك ثعبان فخذ جلده الثمين واترك بقيته... If someone were to hand you a glass full of squeezed lemons, add to it a handful of sugar. And if ...
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If your life feels like everything is falling apart and you're losing everything ... remember: a tree loses all its leafs every year, but it stands strong until they grow back. In life - it is not the comfortable ones, but the ones who have fallen, ...
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Old proverb: اخْشَوْشِنوا؛ فإنَّ النِّعمَةَ لا تدومُ “Toughen up, because luxury does not last forever.” Our elders were rough & tough, because of their lifestyle. They didn't have a tap with hot & cold wat...
View DetailsWe Belong To Dust
It is said in Persian: این خاک از شما نیست , شما از خاک هستید! "This soil does not belong to you, you belong to the soil." We are from dust and we return to dust...... من التراب إلي التراب من القصور إلي القبور...
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"I used to think it were just days, but it was actually my life, passing by..." "كنت أظنها أياماً وتمضي، فإذا بها كانت حياتي."...
View DetailsDifficulties
When life gets difficult, remember: “Do grasslands rejoice, if the clouds haven’t cried yet? Do children get fed milk, if they haven’t cried yet?” "كيف يضحك المرج إن لم يبك السحاب؟ وهل ينال الطفل اللبن بغير بكاء؟...
View DetailsThe Best Of You
Hardships bring out the best & worst out of people. Imam Shafi'ii said in a poem, that one should be: كعود زاده الإحراق طيباً 'Like an incense stick (‘oud) which intensifies its nice scent the more it is burnt..."...
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