Intelligent Disbelievers

Ibn Taymiyyah said about the philosophers:

وأوتوا ذكاء
ولم يؤتوا زكاء
“They have been given intelligence (dhakā’),
but they have been deprived of spiritual purification (zakā’).”
[“Majmu al-Fatawa”, 3/63].

A person may be a Professor and have a high IQ, but if he is not sincerely seeking the truth: he will not find it.

An old illiterate grandma, who is sincere, and looks up to the skies, will find the signs of the Creator, even if she’s living in an isolated village.

Intelligence does NOT guarantee guidance…guidance is a gift which God grants to people, according to the sincerity in their hearts, not according to the intelligence of their brains.

People like ‘Jordan Peterson’ are overrated by some Muslims – in my opinion.

JP is just a psychologist. He is a man who has been gifted with intelligence and an eloquent tongue. Sometimes he’s right and sometimes he’s wrong.

We shouldn’t raise these people above their station. If we ‘big them up’ too much, and they come out criticizing our faith, then we’ve shot ourselves in the foot.

Another good example is the scientist Stephen Hawking, who said the ‘universe can create itself’.

To ‘create’, it needs to exist first…and if it already exists, why does it need to create itself?

Intelligent people say very unintelligent things sometimes.

Let’s not forget that.

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