Broken Plates

Don’t get angry at your children when they break utensils, because it is said that these lifeless objects also have an expiry date [ajal], like living beings [‎لا تضربوا إماءكم على إنائكم فإن لها أجلا كآجال الناس].

And by the way, the wise elders said:
ليس كل مكسور مشكلة
‘not everything broken is a bad thing.’

Let some things get broken, for it is reported:
‎ جات أمها تزورها في بيتها
‎‏قالت لها :
‎‏ليش يابنتي الصحون مكسره ؟
‎‏قالت : تزاعلنا
‎‏قالت : وليش السرير مكسور ؟
‎‏قالت : تصالحنا
A mother asked: ‘why are the plates broken?’
Her daughter replied: ‘because we had a fight.’
Her mother asked: ‘and why is the bed broken?’
She replied: ‘because we made peace.’

And for this reason, the African elders said: ‘a broken bed is a sign of a happy marriage.’


العاقل يكفيه الإشارة
والحمار لايكفيه العبارة

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