Takfir On Hajjaj

The Salaf disagreed about Takfir on Hajjaj – الحجاج

The Takfiris say: “This specific ruler is Kafir and if you don’t consider him Kafir, you are also a Kafir!”

Takfir on Muslim rulers who fall into Kufr is an ijtihadi matter.

The Salaf disagreed about the Kufr of Hajjaj – but they did not declare each other Khawarij nor Morjia – let alone Kuffar.

Hajjaj was an oppressive ruler who killed a lot of people.

Al-Shu’bi said:
الحجاج مؤمن بالجبت والطاغوت كافر بالله العظيم
“Hajjaj is a believer in Taghoot and a disbeliever in God.”

Mujahid was asked about Hajjaj, he said:
تسألون عن الشيخ الكافر
“You have asked about the shaykh al-Kaafir.”

Sa’id Ibn Jubair said:
قيل لسعيد بن جبير : خرجت على الحجاج ؟ قال : إني والله ما خرجت عليه حتى كفر
“We did not come out against him until his kufr.”

Others did not do Takfir on him:

Sufyan al-Thawri was asked if Hajjaj is doomed in Hell, he said:
قال رجل لسفيان الثوري: أتشهد على الحجاج وعلى أبي مسلم الخراساني أنهما في النار، قال: لا، إن أقرا بالتوحيد
“Not as long as he bears witness of Tawhid.”

But they remained calling each other BROTHERS:

Tawoos said:
عجباً لإخواننا من أهل العراق يسمون الحجاج مؤمناً
“We are surprised about OUR BROTHERS in Iraq, who call Hajjaj a believer!”

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