Leniency In Fatawa

Imam Sufyan al-Thawri said 1,200 years ago:

العلم عندنا الرخصة من ثقة، فأما التشديد فيحسنه كل أحد

“Knowledge in our eyes is a leniency (Rukhsash) discovered by a reliable [scholar], but as for hardship, everyone is capable of that.”

[“Jami Bayan al-‘ilm”, 1/785 – اسناده صحيح].

Anyone can say ‘haram, haram, haram – everything is haram’.

That’s not fiqh and not ‘ilm.

True knowledge is when a reliable jurist finds a legal lenience (الرُّخَص الشرعيَّة) and finds a way out of difficulties for people, within the boundaries of religion.

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