Coin In A Well

Abdul-Malik Ibn Marwan’s coin dropped in a well.
He paid someone 13 coins to take out the 1 coin from the well.
It didn’t make sense to people.
So Abdul-Malik said: “God’s Name is written on it.”

أن عبد الملك وقع منه فلس في بئر قذرة ، فاكترى عليه بثلاثة عشر دينارا حتى أخرجه منها ، فقيل له في ذلك ، فقال : إنه كان عليه اسم الله عز وجل

[Mentioned by Ibn Kathir in: “Al-Bidayah wa-Nihayah”, 12/377].
* He had two phases in his life, he was first a pious man and faqih, when he later became the ruler he oppressed. May God grant us all a good ending , حسن الخاتمة, Ameen

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