Killer Donkey

A man had a donkey which kicked and killed his wife.He then married a second wife but the donkey kicked and killed her too!!!

At the funeral, people were paying their condolences. Someone saw him from a distance, sometimes shaking his head and sometimes nodding.

He asked the man: ‘What were they asking you?’

The man replied: The women were asking: ‘Will you re-marry?’, so I nodded ‘yes.’

The men were asking: ‘Is your donkey for sale?’, so I shook my head, saying ‘no.’

كان لرجل حمار رفس زوجته فقتلهاوبعدها تزوج بثانية وأيضاً رفسها الحمار وقتلها وكان الرجل عندما تعزيه النساء يسألنه فيجيب برأسه”نعم”وعندما يعزيه الرجال يسألونه فيجيب برأسه”لا”فسأله أحدهم عن ذلك فقالتقول النساء بدك تتزوج من جديد فأقول نعمويسألني الرجال حمارك للبيع فأقول لا

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