PHD Thesis In England

A Sudanese brother was defending his PHD thesis in England.

The English professor said to him: ‘I’m not convinced by what you have brought to me…’

The Sudanese man responded: ‘You were not convinced by what the Prophet Mohammad brought to you from above the heavens, so how can I convince you coming from Khartoum?!’

أخ سوداني يناقش رسالة الدكتوراه ببريطانيا قال له الدكتور الإنجليزي: أنا ما اقتنعت برسالتك . قال السوداني : أنت ما اقتنعت برسالة سيدنا محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) وهي من السماء ؛ فكيف تقتنع برسالتي وأنا من الخرطوم!

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